PLEX Knock Monitor V2 (CAN BUS)

R21 206.20

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SKU: PKMV2-01CAN Categories: ,



Tune Like a Pro. Never Miss Knock Again.
rugged | updatable | easy to use | precise

Often quoted as the “ultimate knock detection device”, the PLEX KNOCK MONITOR V2 has been established as the preferred choice of professional tuners and engine builders alike. With best-in-class audio quality, an embedded 2.3” trasflective LCD display and advanced audio filtering, it delivers reliable audio and visual knock detection even for the most challenging of projects as it effectively detects knock per cylinder and throughout the RPM range. Available in single and dual input versions it comes bundled with a advanced PC analysis and configuration SW.


Key Features

Real-time Knock Graph

With a 2.3” LCD display, besides listening to knock, you can also view the spikes in real time on the device along the RPM curve

Per-Cylinder Detection

An ignition trigger input allows you to detect knock per cylinder (up to 8) without the need for additional knock sensors, thus maximising performance of each cylinder individually

Optional CAN BUS port

With the optional CAN BUS port you can send knock level, knock count, knock threshold and per-cylinder knock to your dyno, ECU or other external logger

Advanced Audio Filtering

Steep 30 dB band and high pass filters that isolate knock from background noise can be selected for different type of engines

Built-in Freq. vs Bore Size Calculator

The handy on-screen engine bore size reference lets the user select the knock frequency effortlessly by simply choosing your cylinder size from an array of options

Super Bright LED Warning Function

Configurable 2-level knock intensity alarm will get your attention in the dyno room even without having the headset on

Dedicated Audio DSP

On dual bank engines the audio DSP allows for dedicating one audio output channel per bank or mixing depending on user preferences

Knock Threshold vs RPM Function

Accurately detect knock throughout the engine RPM range. View real time knock graph on screen and calibrate the threshold easily via the 4 dedicated keys.

Powerful PC Analysis SW

Capture 3-dimensional knock information and log knock count with knock level per cylinder versus RPM and load or perform real-time knock detection
Dynamometer Compatibility
Product Videos
Product Hardware Details
Real-time Knock Graph

With its embedded 2.3” LCD display the PLEX KNOCK MONITOR is the only knock analyser that provides visual knock detection with a manually configured Knock Threshold vs RPM function.

Best-in-Class Audio Performance

Compared to the V1, the PLEX KNOCK MONITOR V2 has an improved signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) by 20dB which raises the audio clarity sufficiently and reduces the total noise 10 fold. After the right filter is applied one can clearly hear the knock spikes and determine …..


On dual bank engines the audio DSP allows for dedicating one audio output channel per bank or mixing them depending on user preferences


The USB port isolation ensures electrical protection, more robust communications and noise immunity whereas the optically isolated trigger input protects the device from ignition signal noise and electrical damage


Steep 30 dB band and high pass filters that isolate knock from background noise can be selected for different type of engines
Per-cylinder Knock Detection

By detecting the ignition trigger of cylinder 1 and using the inputed firing order, the Knock Monitor can calculate which exact cylinder is knocking for up to 8 cylinders

8 Configurable User Presets

Store your most common engine settings in 8 different presets and name them accordingly for easier retrieval or use the 2 pre-dermined presets for basic knock detection

Frequency vs Bore Size Calculator

A handy on-screen engine bore size reference lets you select the corresponding knock frequency filter effortlessly by simply choosing your cylinder bore size


The CAN BUS port enables easy exporting of knock data (level, count and threshold all per cylinder) to CAN BUS equipped devices such as dynamometers, ECUs and other loggers

Programmable led lights warning

Configurable two-level knock intensity alarm will get your attention in the dyno room even when not wearing the headset. Easily configure the red and yellow LED Lights to warn you based on knock level or knock count.

Dual audio output sockets

Benefit from the two audio output sockets by using them either for training your apprentices or for cross-checking the knock signal  with colleagues

What Customers Say
Advanced analysis & configuration PC SW

The Knock Monitor V2 software allows for quick and easy device configuration, real-time knock data analysis, device log memory data review (3D maps) and firmware update via USB. The latest version of the instructions manual is also embedded for quicker referral.

Download PC SW

Product Versions
  • Single Knock Input
  • Dual Knock Inputs
Technical Spec
  • Operating Voltage: 6-18 V DC
  • Operating Temperature.: –10 to 50 C
  • Dimensions: w 120mm, h 74mm, d 18mm
  • Protected against over-voltage, reverse polarity and alternator load dump conditions
What’s in the Box
  • Knock Monitor
  • Tyco Spec 44 Wiring Loom
  • Bosch Knock Sensor(s)